OMG Homes
Considering Design-Build for Your Project
If saving money and time is important, consider design-build for your project. When the right team is assembled, the process is simpler for the owner, takes less time, and avoids the conflicts that typify conventional projects.
Design-build is an agreement between an owner and a single company that will design and build a facility. The design-build company may be an integrated builder. More often, it is an alliance formed by a contractor such as OMG and a design team specially tailored to the needs of the owner.
The Owner’s Role
The owner selects a design-build company and develops criteria for the project. Basic expectations set out by the owner serve as reference for choosing a design-build team with the right experience and approach to help the owner develop the project requirements in detail. During the design phase, the owner provides feedback to the design-build team on adequacy of the design, schedule, and budget projections. In the construction phase, the owner makes material selections and observes progress to verify that the design-build team is proceeding with full understanding and compliance with the basic expectations set out earlier.
The Designer/Architect’s Role
The design process for an architect on a design-build team is more interactive than with conventional projects. Having a contractor available to quickly evaluate alternative designs means the architect gets earlier feedback. This makes the early planning stages more complex but assures a smoother path through preparation of design documents. It eliminates the need for defensive detailing and over-designing that are necessary when the quality of the contractor is unknown or a selection has not yet been made. The architect is consulted all the way through construction, for advice on selections and potential changes to ensure code compliance and meet the owner’s objectives.
OMG’s Role
During the design phase, OMG not only reports projected cost, but also manages it to meet the owner’s budget and deadlines. This is achieved by constant value engineering, monitoring design progress and adherence to the owner’s criteria, reviewing plans for constructibility issues, and assuring reliable cost input by using experienced and appropriate subcontractors. During construction, OMG ensures that the work progresses in accordance with the schedule, design decisions are communicated when necessary to keep ahead of construction, and the owner’s criteria are being met.
When and Where Design-Build Works Best
The best projects for design-build are ones that are schedule driven and price sensitive, with fairly clear scope and requirements, and an owner who does not want to be responsible for detailed management of the process. Even when not all of these conditions are present, design-build agreements offer the flexibility of being adapted to assure meeting specified goals. Our experience has shown design-build to be well suited to Residences, Historic Restoration, Mixed Use Projects & medical buildings. We facilitates a close relationship between the owner and architect to develop a vision for the home. We help the owners & designers develop concepts and scope and offer the most advice in design-build projects.
Summarizing the Advantages of Design-Build
In a nutshell, the following advantages characterize OMG’s design-build projects:
Project cost is established early, before design work is completed, with smaller initial investment.
Builder input is included during design so the owner benefits from ongoing value engineering.
There are fewer and smaller change orders because design problems are OMG’s responsibility.
OMG acts as the single point of responsibility for design and construction.
The collaborative relationship between architect and builder ensures that the owner does not have to mediate between adversaries.
Approximately 80 percent of the project is competitively bid.
Selection of the design-build company is the owner’s key decision, and once that decision is made, the owner can concentrate on what’s important to them.
The rate of litigation is much lower because communication and consultation are built into the process.
Faster project completion.
Are you thinking of Building/remodeling your home?
You probably have many questions:
What Building/remodeling options do we have?
What design options are available?
How much will our project cost?
How will the project be paid?
How do we know who to hire, and can we trust them?
How long will it take?
How much of a disruption will the project be for our lives?
What is the process of a home remodel project?
With our experience, we know that there are two important parts of the remodeling project. The first is getting the plan right so that when it’s completed it will be exactly as you desire. The second is the process of implementing the plan and its impact on your lives in the home.
Developing the plan for your project
Most homeowners start with some ideas of what they would like to do with their home. The next step is to refine those ideas into concrete plans. That’s where our experience comes in. After remodeling so many homes throughout Cincinnati, we have gathered great ideas, options, partnerships, solutions and much more.
We start by asking a lot of questions. We do this so we can fully understand the short term AND the long term goals for your home. We need to completely understand how your remodeling plans can improve your lives in your home. Once we get a full picture of what is needed, then we begin by presenting ideas and solutions that will help you. Then, we develop the plan for your project.
In the end, the plan we develop for your home remodeling project will be the best for YOUR particular situation and make your lives most pleasurable.
Implementing the plan with the right people is critically important
When you start with a good plan for the remodel, the rest should go smoothly when you choose our company for the project. Here’s why.
First, we start with the knowledge that your project will likely disrupt your lives temporarily. Secondly, we know the people executing your plan are going to be in your home (not their workplace). This means they must conduct themselves with professionalism, kindness and courtesy always.
At OMG Homes, our employees have been hand-picked, trained, and developed into the type of people you feel comfortable with in your home. The people chosen to complete your project is CEO, Mohsin Masud’s, single most important decision. Our staff has been developed over the last 4 years and right now some of the best people are working right here for OMG Homes. Many of our current employees have been with us since our conception. We work hard to complete each project expertly, while making the process as pleasant as possible for YOU.
Our favorite word is “yes” and we’re lucky that we get to say it a lot. From end-to-end, we transparently manage the design and build process. We leverage close partnerships with the right architecting and contracting experts to give us visibility and control over the true possibility for a project. Pair that with our love and affinity for new technology and we make for a pretty nimble and agile team. Our focus has always been to give our customers and partners incredible choice. We aren’t about a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approach to building— and we’ll tailor a project completely to what’s workable for you and your vision. We’re honest, straightforward, available and eager to bring your ideas to life. And we can’t wait to build for you.